Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A Healthy Start to 2011 (at last!)

I'm in the process of pulling it all together for roundtable next week (Thursday, April 14th, 7:30, at the LDS Cresthaven church), and of course thinking lots of healthy thoughts at the moment, in honor of May's core value, Health and Fitness. In so doing, I came across a couple of helpful links, one providing the new dietary guidelines for Americans (just introduced in January of this year), and the other providing a two-page "mini-poster" for the new food pyramid, called "My Pyramid." I was so excited to finally find it, I printed out several copies for those attending roundtable next week, as well as providing the two new links on my blog in the "Valuable Links" section. I hope you find good use for them as you work with your boys on understanding more about good health and nutrition. I look forward to seeing you next week. :o)