Monday, June 20, 2011

Summer -- and Scouting -- in Full Swing

For those who made it to June's roundtable meeting, I hope you enjoyed all the displays and goodies. I was amazed by the clever ideas for lashing, took home several good ideas from Elizabeth's outdoor cooking table, and really got a buzz out of starting fires without matches. (All within a responsibly contained area and with adult supervision, I promise!)

I also made sure I had handouts for the cubmasters. Not only were there the July Pack Picks, but also a couple of handouts on hiking ideas and outdoor activities over at our Leave No Trace table. If you missed any of those handouts, no worries! They're all available on the blog now. I hope you enjoy them and find a way to put them to good use as you take those boys into the great outdoors this summer. (In-between rain clouds and mosquitoes, from the looks of it!)

Just two quick reminders: first, for all new leaders, we have our next Leader Essentials training on Saturday, July 16th, from 9 until noon at the Rexburg Center Stake (near the fairgrounds). Please encourage your new leaders to attend. The cost is $4.00 and we promise lots of great info. packed into those three hours. The second reminder is about roundtable coming up on Thursday, July 14th, at 7:30 p.m. at the Cresthaven church near the water tower in Rexburg. Can't wait to see you there! :o)