First, thanks for a fabulous roundtable meeting last night. It's true: cubmasters rock! The cubanapolis was a blast, even with the minor equipment malfunction (oh spray bottles, how they like to taunt us!), and I always feel such an energy boost from my CMs. Truly, you are the best of the best -- of the best!
That said, I awoke this morning knowing my first task was to hop on my blog and provide you with two crucial pieces of information. First, I've now updated my Journey to Excellence offerings to reflect 2012, so feel free to check out those links. I also felt bad I ran out of "Tips for Planning Outdoor Activities" sheets (those were the green "extras" I brought along), so I found the file buried deep on my computer and I'm including those in the "Extra Helps" portion of my blog. I hope you find the information useful and a springboard for whatever you're planning this summer.
Based on comments last night, I'm also inspired to attempt to turn my orientation booklet into a modifiable pdf. I haven't done it yet, but hope to do something about it this weekend. If I can do it, I'll get it posted for those who are interested in directly editing the booklet to meet their pack's specific needs. Wish me luck!
Thanks again for your support, your enthusiasm, and for making my job at roundtable so much fun. Remember, you really are the best!