Okay, I realize that a significant lapse in my blog posts may indicate I decided to take the summer off. Well, it's true: I retired from the Targhee district the minute the kids got out of school -- and then headed off to play! First, I served on staff for a local scout camp for several weeks, followed immediately by acting as scribe for the August weekend Wood Badge course. I may have taken the summer off from Roundtable, but evidently that was only so I could fit in more time for scouting! :o)
The good news is, I'm back, and already chomping at the bit to help with Roundtable in my new district, North Caribou.
But ohhhhh there's even better news! As of September, the national office bestowed a year's worth of new pack meeting helps upon us. Yes! Every month at Roundtable, more helps for the next month's pack meeting. They must love us!
And so, I attended my first Roundtable meeting last week in my new district. I was in "observer" mode, and made a most crucial observation: certain members of our cubmaster class really didn't want to receive those pack helps month by month. In actual fact, they wanted them right now!
For those who have been in this business for more than a couple of years, you remember all too well -- probably with longing -- those wonderful program helps that came out every year, providing you with a whole year's worth of pack meeting themes and ideas, all in one go. And when you're trying to follow the BSA's counsel to do a year's worth of planning for your pack meetings, suddenly those yearly program guides become a tremendous asset. (Note: do you have to use the pack meeting helps provided? Absolutely not. Do what works for your pack, and keep the core values in focus. But when your mind is blank -- boy can those helps come in handy!)
Well, I love surprises, and I hope to surprise you with great ideas and
new monthly pack picks for a while yet to come. But at the same time, I want to support you in your planning process. So here it is, your cake (the new monthly pack meeting ideas) -- and you get to eat it too! Just scroll down the right margin and look for Roundtable Resources. And enjoy!
Meanwhile, keep checking back -- I promise more pack picks still loom in the near future . . .