Celebrating birthdays is a big deal in our family, and our youngest insisted on an extra-special birthday this year. Not only did it involve camping and swimming and, of course, LEGOS (what party would be complete without?!?), but also a six-layer cake featuring one of Pixar's minions. Now, we love our sweets -- and I'm sure we could have plowed through all six layers -- but instead, after the party was over and the kids were in bed, I carefully chopped off a fair portion of those six layers and shuttled it in an airtight container out to the freezer for later consumption.
As a cubmaster, you are no doubt ready for that supplemental serving of "cake" as you do planning for the upcoming year and the good news is, there's still more "cake" in the freezer, thanks to the people at the national level of the BSA. I'll be cooking up some pack meeting ideas of my own as the year wears on (featured monthly in my "Pack Picks") but in the meantime, I've gone through the proverbial freezer and pulled out a year's worth of supplemental pack meeting plans provided by the BSA, ready for your pack's consumption. You'll find them in the right margin (you get to scroll down a ways) labeled as "Roundtable Pack Meeting Resources" 2013-2014.
Enjoy your planning (make it a PARTY -- not a meeting!) and stay tuned: I'll keep adding more ideas as the year wears on --