As you will have noticed in the right-hand margin, I finally got around to posting the Bola Game instructions I created for one of my grad classes this summer. I will admit, my son (then a Webelos scout) and my husband were in charge of all cutting and construction, so they get extra kudos for not only building the thing to begin with, but for also patiently and carefully positioning it to show every possible angle, as well as the various steps of assembly (and disassembly), in order to help me take about a hundred pictures of it. Since then, I have bravely cut my own PVC for other projects, and discovered it is a most amazing material -- too big for drinking straws, but perfect for neckerchief slides and miniature ring toss games, along with plenty of other things.
Part of being a cubmaster -- or anywhere in the scouting organization -- is learning to stretch yourself and embrace new challenges and adventures. Whether sawing up lengths of PVC or attempting your first Arrow of Light ceremony, may your adventures bring you not only challenges and success, but joy.