I have enjoyed a rich, full week. Many thanks to all who attended roundtable last Thursday and filled out cubmaster surveys for me. It may seem a trifle to you, but it was tremendously helpful for me. Thanks for your kindness and support. Nervous type that I am, I greatly appreciate it. :o)
Not only were the cubmaster survey responses educational for me, but I just have to say, my husband and I had a blast at University of Scouting on Saturday. I took a smattering of serious classes, and a generous portion of fun classes, and learned from all of it. While my husband tinkers with Altoids tin survival kits, I've been busy learning how to make survival bracelets. I also brought home a dozen excellent neckerchief slide ideas (well, okay, more like three or four dozen!) and a tremendous Faith in God worksheet. For those in LDS units struggling to keep track of where their boys are at in earning their religious knot and Faith in God award, this is a handy worksheet that can be passed from den leader to den leader, thus removing the anxiety of lost and forgotten Faith in God booklets. (You can find this worksheet listed under the "Extra Helps" heading in the right-hand margin.)
And now is your chance to broaden your own scouting education. This Saturday we will hold Cub Specific Leader training for all new leaders in our area. (Yes, the training that was canceled a few short days ago is officially back on again. Hooray!) Registration is at 8:30 a.m. at the Cresthaven church (where we hold roundtable), and the training goes from nine until noon. The cost is $4.00 and you'll be handed plenty of materials and a training patch before we let you out the door again to conquer the scouting world.
You can also mark your calendars for the next roundtable, to be held Thursday, November 10th, at 7:30. We will present lots of festive ideas, focus on the core value of respect, and keep you updated on all the latest news and happenings in the Targhee district.
Until then, have a happy and safe Halloween, and save the Kit Kats for me. :o)